With Form Builder, you can add your own unique forms to any OpenCities Planner project or portal. You can customize the forms to suit the specific needs of your project.

Start by clicking the Form Builder button.

  • Building the form
    Form Builder lets you build the dialogue form interactively with instant preview.
    Sections are presented as pages in the form. The sections can have a start view, title and components. You can add, remove and reorder sections by dragging and dropping them.
  • Components
    Components are added to a section by dragging them into the section. You can reorder components by dragging and dropping them. After you drag a component to a section, you can edit the component properties. Any component can be set to be mandatory or not to submit the form.

After Submit settings

Here you can edit what is shown to the user after a form has been submitted. Set if you want submissions to be published automatically or after admin approval.

Submitted forms can automatically be sent in an email to an address you configure. You can also specify a second address which only receives submissions with the Legal Submission checkbox checked.

Customize the message the user receives, or even allow the Social media on which the user can share their submission.

Dialogue ribbon buttons

Customize the button labels and icons Interface settings.

Publishing and moderating submissions

Set the Form to Published in Form Builder.

To moderate submissions, you need to be logged in. A button appears when viewing a suggestion which lets you publish or unpublish the submission.
