OpenCities Planner is very flexible and user-focused. Creative users are constantly unlocking its power with their creativity.
For this month’s showcase we will travel to Linköping, a city of over 100,000 inhabitants – Sweden’s seventh largest – and shine a spotlight on their clever use of the Project Info Panel to link dialogue projects.
Mjärdevi och Västra Valla
Organisation is the Foundation
Rather than overcomplicate a single OpenCities Planner project with too much information, Linköping created separate projects and linked them using Project Info, as a Panel, with embedded content. The embedded website contains a header, with large attractive button links to the related projects.
The projects share the same style and configuration, creating a seemless integration and excellent user experience.
Links to the sub-projects
Furthermore, the sub-projects have dialogue forms. This inventive solution allows the municipality to create several specific forms within the same overarching structure – thereby cultivating the best community feedback.
All of the content is in Swedish only, but if you want to explore the project simply use the large buttons in the Project Info Panel to navigate between sub-projects.
It may inspire you.
Another advantage is displaying different information in each sub-project’s panel, something not possible in a single project