This newsletter features our latest Updates and OpenCities news! Find the link to our upcoming Webinar that will take place on March 22nd and listen our guest presenters on their use cases, and get a glimpse of our exciting new features!
OpenCities Newsletter, February 2023
Upcoming OpenCities Users Webinar
On March 22nd we are holding a Live OpenCities Webinar event on our latest updates and news, and welcoming two new guest presenters and their inspiring use cases:
- Belynda Gibbons from New South Wales Port Authority (Australia)
- Arūnas Urbšys and Žygimantas Pagalys from VGTU – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
The webinar session will be broadcasted at 10:00 CET, followed by Q&A.
To attend, register here: OpenCities User Webinar, March 22nd
Our guest presenters
New South Wales Port Authority (Australia)
Port Authority of New South Wales manages all major Ports in NSW: Sydney Harbour, Port Botany, Port Kembla, Eden, Yamba and Newcastle Harbour, which is one of the world’s largest coal export ports-provides major economic benefit to the city, the region and the State of NSW.
To secure better navigation, security and operational safety needs of commercial shipping in these ports, NSW Port Authority is using OpenCities to visualize different types of data helping them improve performance, reduce costs, and facilitate decision-making in business operations.
Find more about them, here:

VGTU – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is an innovative public University located in Vilnius, Lithuania, educating over 10,000 highly qualified and creative specialists. The University is the leader among the institutions of technological science education, ensuring modern studies, orientated to the labour market. Scientific research and experimental development is performed by 14 institutes, 2 research centres and 33 research laboratories.
As an OpenCities user, VGTU has a Digital Twin over the whole campus area, and their publicly available project has reached over 2,000 page visitors on a monthly basis. To hear about their Digital Twin journey, technologies used and their scope, attend our Webinar.
Find more about them, here:

Product Updates:What’s new?
These past few months, OpenCities released some new, cool stuff!
In our January Release, we introduced a set of new features and improvements such as:
- Improved iModel configuration
- Multi-select features and reporting
- iOS fixes
- ‘Locate me’ for mobile
- ShowRoom idle animations
Read all these on our blog post Update here: OpenCities Update, January 2023
Tune in and join us in our upcoming Webinar to learn more about these and more exciting product news!
Help us get better!
Please take this 4 minute anonymous survey to let us know how the iTwin web visualization, our Bentley visualization technologies, is working out for you.
Nominate your own OpenCities project!
Do you have an OpenCities project that you want to share with us and the rest of our users?
Have you been working on something interesting?
You can always submit your entry to us, and get a slot to present your work during one of our Live Webinar sessions!
Send us your submissions here:
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And as always…send us a Support ticket with your issue, ask us a question, or even submit your own suggestion on how we can improve!