OpenCities Planner Update, June 2022

Searchable Project content,  Attribute window redesign, 3DTiles & W3SM from ContextShare, email invitation setting in Team manager, ShowRoom Offline datasets, Search & Query improvements

Here are the highlights of all the exciting things we have released since our previous Update!

Searchable project content

Now, all the content that you have created on your project, can be searchable. You can not only search features coming from DataManager, but also POIs manually created in the Editor, including all labels and details window content, as well as details windows content of 3D-models and Drawn Features.

Attribute window redesign

The attribute window has now a new design. This applies in both the attribute windows of the iModels as well as the Spatial sources (shapefiles, WFS Sources from DataManager, etc). This redesign of the attributes window is more user-friendly, it supports grouping, and it has new options in the settings when configuring an on-click with attributes as the action, where you can filter based on the group level.

3DTiles & W3SM from ContextShare

OCP now supports reading 3DTiles and Web Scalable Mesh reality data directly from ContextShare. Simply choose ContextShare under Files in DataManager, and the Connect project your datasets are configured for, and then create a Source based on that!

This pipeline provides no need for data copying, providing Reality Model users easier access to the data and better performance.

Email invitation setting in Team Manager

We now have a new setting for email invitations in Team Manager. Choose whether OpenCities Planner automatically sends email invitations to users invited to a project or not. You can now choose when an email invitation is being send out to a user, including a custom message and even chose to include a project URL, instead of one that leads user to OpenCities Planner editor.

In more complex project set-ups, for instance a project consisting of many portals and subprojects, this can significantly reduce the overloading of email invitations users receive every time they are being invited to one of these projects.

ShowRoom Offline Datasets

We are currently developing a new version of ShowRoom which will support iModels and always be on the same functionality level as the online project view. This new version is now available in beta version to selected users. The beta version can now load local snapshot data sets that have been  snapshotted in DataManager. This data can be reality models, terrain models, 3D City models etc. After download of the snapshots to the local machine the ShowRoom is running on, ShowRoom can now be configured to be used the local data instead of online datasets.

This process, will improve not only the data loading time, but it will also provide a more reliable experience in events, such as an exhibition.

This configuration is currently requesting the user to manually download and configure the snapshots in the Showroom, a process that is being developed in becoming fully automated.

Search & Query improvements

We are developing an enhanced Search capability which will enable querying iModels based on attributes, values and logical operators such as equals, not equals, less than and more than.

Since our previous update, we have enhanced the usability of the tool based on early access test users feedback. These improvements include support for pre-defined values, searched items are highlighted and you can ‘fly-to’ them, the results are merged into one  single table, and you can also define which iModel you want to search.

Another improvement is that you can now create pre-defined Queries using Java script and link these Queries to a layer or a group button. This way, when a user clicks on a layer, the Query is executed and it flies to the searched element. This improvement is providing a simple tool that admins can use to prepare queries for users, so they don’t have to configure a search themselves.

Stay tuned for more information about this Query tool.

Bug Fixes

  • Interaction edit fix
  • Ribbon toolbar button fix
  • Z-index fix
  • Time slider close fix
  • Support GL_UNSIGNED_INT accessor-type that Web Ready Scalable Mesh sometimes used 
  • Fixed an issue where connections to self-hosted ArcGIS FeatureServer wasn’t working
  • Display created/last updated times in local time instead of UTC 
  • Fixed an issue where clip on a source was not used when searching features

New features​

  • iModels from Connect Assets
  • Sync iTwin users via service
  • Project attributes editor
  • Added support for resources through a new list called Library [in progress]
  • Added support for custom coordinate systems in WKT-format managed through Library [in progress]


  • Increased html/js editor sizes
  • Masking has been renamed to clipping and now support units per pixel to have the same behavior as when clipping meshes [released]
  • Improved performance for ArcGIS FeatureServer [released]