Creating Datasets from Feature files and databases


The source data should be defined in an EPSG projection with x, y coordinates. The input can be either as files in ESRI Shape format or features coming live from a spatial database (requires in Premium instance).

Supported geometry types are Points, Lines, Polygons and 3D-geometry defined in a standard spatial database geometry type.

Creating Sources

ESRI Files

Upload the ESRI Shapefiles to DataManager. Create a new Source, select Features, give the Source a name and type in the EPSG of the source data. Click Next, and pick ESRI Shapefile as the input and select the .shp, .shx and .dbf that you uploaded. When you click Ok, the Source will start building and preparing for use.

You can see the progress in the Source tab list and when the preparation is done, you will receive an email notification.

Spatial database

If you have Premium instance subscription, you can configure a connection to a spatial database that contains features. Create a new Source, select Features, give it a name and configure the EPSG code. As input, select either PostGIS or Oracle. Configure the database connection settings with user credentials, database and table.

Searchable Sources

Feature Sources can be enabled for searching. You can configure which attributes should be searchable and then in your project enable one or several sources in the search tool. The search tool will also highlight and focus on the feature when you hover them in the results list.

Note: Your spatial database needs to allow incoming connections from DataManager. The IP address is listed in the graphical interface to the left.


2D representation

By default, Features will be represented as geometry in the 3D world, either as 2D or 3D geometry depending on the source data. For points, you can configure point size, and the line size for line geometry. Colors can be configured either statically with a predefined hex color value, or dynamically from an attribute, or via a javascript.

3D representation

Polygons can be extruded to volumes either from a value, or attribute or via script. Points can be mapped to 3D models, for instance points representing trees can be mapped to 3D models and set the width, height and 3D model based on attributes for each point. The mapping to 3D-models is set on the Dataset, and not the source. Click the Visualization section, select Visualize features: Instanced models. The type models shown are from the 3D-library in the editor interface. You can upload your own generic 3D-models to the 3D-library and use them.

Placemark representation

Point objects can be represented as Placemarkes in the 3D world. You use javascript to configure the placemark.

Scripting reference

Creating a Dataset

Go to the Dataset tab and click the Create Dataset icon. Select Features and enter a name for your dataset and which coordinate system you want to use. Next, pick the Feature sources that you want to use in this dataset. You can select and combine features both from Files and spatial databases into one dataset. Enter the bounds, which would typically be either one of the sources bounds or the coordinate systems bounds. When you’re done, the dataset is ready to be used.

OnClick actions

An OnClick action can be added after the Dataset has been added to an OCP project. Attributes that have been exposed on the Sources can be referenced in a Details window, embed code or script. For instance, the ID of a clicked object can be referenced with ${}. In general, attributes are referenced with ${attributes.name_of_attribute}
