Interactions lets you control the properties of objects in the 3D-world.
Adding and removing objects from an interaction
To add an interaction to an object, click the Interactions button and then Add interaction. Choose which property you want to affect and then select objects that you want to use this interaction by clicking them.
To select multiple objects hold Shift and drag your mouse, and deselect them by holding Alt while dragging your mouse.
To deselect a single object, hold the ALT key and click the selected object.
You can also add an interaction to a layer or a group. Click the Assign to button in the interactions editor. This will show the object manager. Now you can select a group or a layer and all the objects in the selected group or layer will be affected by the interaction.
- Visibility
Check the Visibility property to change the visibility of an object based on the state of certain layers. For instance, this is useful to hide buildings that are in the background layer when a layer becomes active to show an existing view of the area compared to a planned development which needs to demolish some existing buildings. Choose Off to always have an object invisible or choose Custom and pick the layers that you want to hide the object when active. - Visibility animation
This setting lets you control if an object should animate whenever the visibility of the object changes. You can pick animations Fade in/out and Scale in/out and set the duration in ms.
- Visibility Range
The visibility range setting controls when an object is visible based on the distance from the camera. You can make objects appear when the camera comes within a certain distance from the object. Points of interest can have a setting for the Icon and a different distance for the Label. This is useful if you have lots of Placemarks with labels and want to keep the map from getting cluttered with labels. The fade duration is set in ms.Visibility animation