Using custom typography is an easy way to boost the look of your project

OpenCities Planner using a Custom Typeface
OpenCities Planner using a Custom Typeface

Match Your Organisation’s Profile

Does your company or municipality have it’s own graphic profile? If so, customising the typography in OpenCities Planner allows you to match other digital and print projects you produce.

Here’s an example from the City of Stockholm, who not only use a custom typeface but actually commissioned their own:

Stockholm Custom Typeface
Stockholm Custom Typeface

Compare OpenCities Planner to printed initiatives, such as these posters in town:

Stockholms Posters
Stockholms Posters, Photo from Brand New / Stockholms Stad / Essien International

Free & Easy

Don’t have your own typeface, but still want to give OpenCities Planner a custom look? Fear not, Google is here for you. Head over to Google Fonts to discover oodles of high quality, professional, free typefaces.

  1. Visit, Browse and find something you like
  2. Click “Select this Font“, in the upper right
  3. Open the window at the bottom of the screen, and click the Download iconGoogle Fonts


Now you have your font files, here’s all you need to do to use then in OpenCities Planner:

  1. Open the Interface window (under Project Info)Open Interface
  2. Switch to the Typography tabType Tab
  3. Click the Upload button, you can use TTF, OTF, and WOFF font filesUpload window
  4. Voilà! You can now customise OpenCities Planner with your custom typeface!

Have any questions, fire us a message and we’ll be happy to help.


We’re planning to bake more free Google Fonts in to OpenCities Planner, stay tuned!